The raw data of different spectra used in the “Gamma-CaSO4 with Abnormally High Stability from Hyperarid Region on Earth and from Mars ”, including (1) Raman spectra of Atacamaγ-CaSO4 and MIL03346, 168 γ-CaSO4 presented in Figure 8. Four standard Ca-sulfates are present in supplement materials. (2) EDXS spectra from the Atacamaγ-CaSO4 and MIL03346, 168 γ-CaSO4 displayed in Figure 4 and Figure 5 in the main text. (3) EELS spectra of MIL03346, 168 γ-CaSO4 shown as Figure 6 in the main text. (4) XRD patterns of standard bassanite and standard γ-CaSO4 presented in supplement materials. For more detailed information please reading section 2 (part of experiments) in the main text.